Mr. Stevens' Portfolio

Live, Laugh, Learn

Vegan Snacks

This week I figured I would give an insight into the snack that I have been eating more often now that I have been eating a primarily plant-based diet.

Common vegan snacks or small meals that I have to include avocado toast, peanut butter sandwiches, and peanut butter, apple and a bar. I find that I often snack and not often will eat full meals. Often, I will prepare a large meal and just carry it around in Tupperware and eat small amounts at a time. I focus on consuming large amounts of protein and carbs this is that I have energy to get through my day but then also workout and rebuild the muscles I have worked out.

I have begun to also try to eat more fruit in my diet, I will often start the day with a banana or an apple. I also begin the day by consuming a large amount of water before I have any food or coffee.

Thanks again!

Ari Stevens

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