Mr. Stevens' Portfolio

Live, Laugh, Learn

Music Blog #4

The progression of my learning has been limited due to recent distractions, such as the coronavirus. I had up to that point been working on my learning of not only my new song, “Little Talks” by Of Monster and Men but also have been working on also getting better at playing “Rip Tide”. I occasionally mess up the strumming pattern now that I am switching between various patterns but I find that it has led to me being more aware while playing. Before, I was just getting into the muscle memory of the movement a would begin to lack in the sound of the instrument.

I have also altered how I strum the ukulele. I have switched from the pick back to the single finger strum. I find this sound to be less sharp and give more of a relaxed sound to the instrument.

I have yet to get ahold of a kazoo which I will use in the song “Little Talks” but I do believe that this will add to the performance. I do believe this will be rather easy to incorporate once my knowledge of the song advances and as well as will allow me to possibly keep the right tempo.

I look forward to getting back into the habit of practicing.


-Ari Stevens

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