Mr. Stevens' Portfolio

Live, Laugh, Learn

EdTech: Zoom

This week due to the increasing issues surrounding the coronavirus we have moved to online classes. We have begun to use Zoom as a form of us all to communicate via video conference call.

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Zoom was very useful in that it allowed for us all to not only conference call but see who we were talking to. This ability to see the expressions of one another made delivering presentations more engaging. The use of Zoom allowed also screen sharing. This made presentations very easy to follow as we were able to listen to the speaker while reading their slides. The ability to have the screen change to the person that is talking allows the user to follow the conversation. The ability to see all users in a grid format allows the instructor to ensure all students are paying attention. The chat also allows students to have dialogue without interrupting the presenter.

Zoom was good also for group projects and not just online courses. We proceed to use the platform for a music lesson in which we were able to all look at one another’s laptops and search through resources together.

Thanks Again!

Ari Stevens




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