Mr. Stevens' Portfolio

Live, Laugh, Learn

A New Blog

This week’s class had us set up a new website, group collaboration, and some planning!

I was not able to make it to class do to car difficulties, but we set up Trello accounts. I was pleased to find the process was simple and made very convenient with a step by step guide! I find Trello to be a wonderful way to plan out the process of my inquiry project. I am although becoming mildly overwhelmed with the number of websites I must balance in all my classes.

The class discussed the movie, “Most Likely to Succeed”, a movie that looks at new approaches to education. I found this new approach to education that Tech High took to be very interesting! The teachers’ approaches to the development of soft skills were very much something that is not addressed in conventional schools. I do believe students in conventional schooling systems to often lack these skills as we move towards a hyper-competitive world where grades are the determinate of a student’s “intelligence”.  I would love to teach at a school that has a similar approach to education.

These new approaches to pedagogy do create concern amongst parents and some teachers. The concern about not getting into a collage of their choice was a major concern. It is important though also to acknowledge that universities will most likely appreciate and adjust to these new approaches of schooling. I would assume as long as students still work hard they will get grades that reflect that. I believe that society and education mirror one another and as we watch some of the largest changes occurring it is about time education adapted also.


Retrieved from “What School Could Be” Youtube channel.

Thanks Again!!!

-Ari Stevens

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