Mr. Stevens' Portfolio

Live, Laugh, Learn

Vegan Meal #1

So I already have failed…

I have had such a hard time maintaining this vegetarian diet and have had chicken twice since starting. It is so hard for me to maintain while constantly on the go. I have been so busy that meal prepping has been non-existant and that my diet has been rather terrible. I have been trying my best to just be eating at all.

I have although cooked my first vegan meal and was rather pleased with the outcome as this was my first attempt. I made the burrito vegan bowls from Cookie and Kate. It was a very easy recipe to follow and was made easier using my instant pot for the rice and I recruited my vegan expert sister Sarai to help me with the preparation.

I found the shopping to be a rather easy to find the required ingredients, and rather inexpensive. I realize how much cheaper it is shopping and not purchasing meat for the meal.

I have looked briefly into this idea of veganism and alopecia, and some people believe that their alopecia has gone away/dormant thanks to veganism. I have also seen a lot of information suggesting veganism can lead to hair loss due to a lack of protein.

From what my doctor has told me there is no diet that can help the alopecia besides the cortisone injections.

Here is the link to the account saying that veganism cured their alopecia:

Next week I’ll add photos of the food I cook and the exact costs! I forgot this week!

Thanks Again!


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