Mr. Stevens' Portfolio

Live, Laugh, Learn

Vegan Meal #3

This week the vegan meal that was made was a stir fry!

This vegan meal was a simple and easy meal that took roughly thirty minutes to make. This meal cost roughly ten dollars to make and left me with leftovers for the next day!

the recipe includes:

In a large pan prepare yam, then broccoli, then add tofu with soy sauce and coconut oil. After this add in the cooked noodles and add sauces of choice. This meal’s longest part is the yams, but the rest cooks quickly.

I found this meal to be rather filling and delicious. The yams added a rather enjoyable texture. I contemplated adding avocado also to the meal but decided that that was a weird mix.

Vegan meals are affordable but not always as filling I find. The rice noodles although do add some carbohydrates to the meal allowing for me to eat less. It is important to ensure to eat all the veggies and tofu to obtain all the nutrients needed. Adding almonds could also add flavour and protein to this meal.

Next week I will create a vegan dessert!

Thanks Again!

Ari Stevens


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