This week I chose to make a quick and simple vegan meal that was rich in carbs and protein. I have been spending a lot of money as of late and wanted to use up some leftover foods that have been lying around the house. I chose to whip together this little meal.
The Ingredients include:
- 2 cups of rice
- 2 cups of broccoli
- 1 can of beans
- 2 cups of corn
- Gluten-free soy sauce
- salt and pepper
This meal was very quick and only took roughly 20 minutes to cook. I do not know the price of this meal but it was very inexpensive. The amount I made will last me hopefully be enough for my next two days of lunch. I have been working on eating fewer dairy products but my father bought to be a large amount of chicken. I do not want to let it waste so I have been eating chicken. I also have noticed with the increased amount of meat in my diet one of my alopecia spots has become worse. This may have no relation to diet but something I have been thinking about.
Thank you all again,
Ari Stevens